From striking coastal scenery to picturesque rural countryside, Suffolk’s diverse landscape has plenty to offer both people and wildlife. But Suffolk’s natural environment not only makes it a beautiful place to explore and enjoy, it also underpins many of the things that we depend upon in our daily lives, such as food, water, clean air and a tolerable climate. We need to protect and where necessary restore these natural assets, not only for their intrinsic value, but to ensure that everyone in Suffolk is able to continue to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Suffolk’s Natural Capital

In Suffolk we collectively have stewardship of a wealth of natural assets. Many of these have national as well as local significance. They cover land (both surface and sub-surface), freshwater, marine and coastal, habitats and species, and the atmosphere.

Suffolk and Norfolk County Councils have commissioned a Natural Capital Evidence Compendium from The School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia. This presents the latest information on the natural assets in Suffolk, the pressure they are under, and the consequent risks to the benefits we depend upon them for. It identifies some priorities for consideration as part of a long-term plan for protecting and restoring this natural capital and the services they provide. This work is ongoing; for further information please contact Tim De-Keyzer.

Natural Capital Evidence Compendium for Norfolk and Suffolk

Suffolk’s Natural Solutions

Everybody has a part to play in looking after this precious resource, making sure it is conserved and enhanced for future generations. Links to further information on some of the ways people can get involved can be found below. Further information will be added as other projects and initiatives are developed.

The Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project

Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB

Broads National Park

The Brecks Fen Edge & Rivers Landscape Partnership Scheme

Suffolk Biodiversity Information Service

Suffolk Roadside Nature Reserves project

Suffolk County Farms Estate

Suffolk Wildlife Trust