• David Walton

    David Walton – Programme Manager

    I lead on Suffolk’s cross-county carbon reduction work, coordinating a package of projects across the five key themes within the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan: Collaborative Action, Cleaner Power, Industrial & Commercial Emissions, Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Homes. The programme of work supports our aspiration for a net zero Suffolk, providing services to help our business, communities, and residents realise the many benefits of making low carbon choices. I report into the Suffolk Climate Change, Environment & Energy Board.

    Away from work I love to spend time with my wife and two daughters, cycle and play bass guitar in a covers band.

  • Emma Dixon

    Emma Dixon – Partnership Manager

    I manage the SCCP team as well as wide range of projects across Suffolk on behalf of all Suffolk’s Local Authorities, all of which work towards helping Suffolk reach Net Zero. I have over 24 years of working in the environmental and sustainability sector in Suffolk, having worked at the Environment Agency, Suffolk County Council and the Water Management Alliance before I took over the role of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership Manager in March 2022. My career has covered flooding, waste and recycling, sustainable travel, climate adaptation and more

    Outside of work I have been a volunteer with the Air Cadets for over 16 years and am the commanding officer of a local squadron working with young people aged 12-20.

  • Bailey Tait – Climate Emergency Communications and Engagement Officer

    As the Climate Emergency Communications and Engagement Officer, it is my role to engage the people of Suffolk in our countywide projects to achieve net zero and develop campaigns that inspire Suffolk residents to take action at home.

    Outside of work, I am a fiction writer, BookToker, ballerina and a Trustee for the British Dragonfly Society.

  • Claire Ling

    Claire Ling – Community Support Officer

    I’m Suffolk Climate Change Partnership’s full-time Community Support Officer. My role is to support communities and community groups in their efforts to tackle climate change, helping them support our county’s aspiration of reaching Net Zero by 2030. I help with specialist support, renewable energy, signposting to grants and help groups network with each other and much more!

    I love walking with my dog, spending as much time in nature as possible which includes all year wild swimming, park runs (slowly) and pottering in the garden.

  • Jess Miller

    Jess Miller – Project Support Officer

    I’m an Apprentice Project Support Officer for the SCCP. One of the projects I work on is the Thermal Imaging Loan Project which allows community groups and parish/town councils to borrow thermal cameras to carry out thermal surveys in their community. I’m part of the team organising Suffolk’s second Youth Climate Conference, and I provide support for the Suffolk Climate Action Community Match Fund and the Suffolk Loft Insulation Offer. I love getting involved with communities and students to help them to turn their passion for the environment into action against climate change.

    Outside of work I love to be outside or playing in the Suffolk Youth Orchestra.

  • Izzy Millen

    Izzy Millen – Communication and Engagement Assistant

    I’m the Apprentice Communications and Engagement Assistant for the SCCP. I run our social media, keep the website up to date and put the newsletter together every month. As well as this I provide support for ongoing projects and any events that we’re running across Suffolk. I love working with people to help them make sustainable changes on a small level, which helps them contribute to making Suffolk the Greenest County.

    Outside of work, I like travelling, exploring, going to concerts and watching films.