We want to help you save money, stay healthy and help us reach Net Zero.

There are many reasons to save energy at home. With energy prices at such high levels, it’s never been more important to act and save money by reducing the amount of energy used around the home. Reduced emissions also results in cleaner air quality, which, in turn, improves people’s health and quality of life. Clean air zones can prevent unwanted deaths, save cities money, and improve overall well-being.

By saving energy, we create a healthier planet and can also sustain the resources we already have. Conserving energy can help ensure that the rivers, forests, parks, and diverse wildlife are around for future generations.

Warm Homes Suffolk

If you’re a home owner or private tenant with a household gross income of under £36,000, and are without gas central heating, then there are grants to help insulate your property and make it more energy efficient. Landlords, whose tenants qualify for support, can receive up to a two-thirds subsidy for improvement work, if they own fewer than five rental properties.

We especially want to hear from you if your home has an EPC rating of D, E, F or G. Check your EPC rating here. 

Please visit Warm Homes Suffolk for more information.

Take a look at the information and advice services below:

  1. Closing the doors of rooms you don’t use.
  2. Closing curtains and blinds at dusk, even in rooms your not using. If you have long curtains over a radiator, tuck the curtains behind the radiator (so as not to heat the window), or better still, shorten the curtains!
  3. Turning off devices, especially at night.
  4. Putting foil behind your radiators to reflect the heat back into the room.
  5. Ensuring you have a letter box that doesn’t allow heat to escape.
  6. Use your appliances less: for example, doing full loads of washing/dishwashing, using a clothesline to dry clothes.
  7. Turning your heating down slightly and adjusting thermostats on your radiators.
  1. Fitting a door curtain.
  2. Fitting thermal liners to your curtains.
  3. Flushing out radiators that aren’t working properly.
  4. Draught proofing your door by fitting draught seals.
  5. Prevent draughts through letter boxes by fitting a cover/brush and through keyholes by fitting a keyhole cover.
  6. If you have a cat flap, you can fit insulation or a blanket flap.
  7. Insulate your loft hatch.
  8. Put lagging on hot water tanks and water pipes.
  9. Upgrade windows with a clear plastic film (available at DIY shops) that tightens over the pane when heated with a hairdryer or install magnetic-strip secondary glazing.
  10. Insulate your loft or top up the existing insulation – find out more about the Suffolk Loft Insulation Offer here. 


A huge amount of power can be harnessed from the sun. As a renewable energy source, solar panels capture the suns energy and convers it into electricity. They can even generate electricity on cloudy days! Installing solar panels enables you to generate your own renewable energy, whilst reducing your electricity bills and carbon footprint.

Visit Energy Saving Trust’s solar panel guide for information on how they work, the costs involved and more. The only limitation of solar power is our ability to turn it into electricity in an efficient and cost-effective way.


There are several renewable solutions for heating such as:

  • Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • Wood stoves and boilers (Biomass)
  • Heat Recovery

To help you choose the right product you will need to speak to a qualified specialist as there is a high level of design to be considered prior to installation, which will be based on the needs of your building.

To learn more about the various options, visit the Energy Saving Trust website: Help and advice for heating your home – Energy Saving Trust.

Funding maybe available to help with these installs.

DIY ways to reduce drafts and save energy

Ready for the Next Steps?

Head to our Net Zero Homes Page to find out some changes you can make in your home to make it Net Zero and save you money.