Inclusive Community Energy: Toolkit Launch

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Toolkit launch: Developing more inclusive community energy through participatory research

Who is the event for?

Are you from a community energy organisation who wants to increase the diversity of your membership?

This event is for you!

At this interactive session, we will be launching our practical toolkit which supports community energy organisations to develop a more inclusive membership.

What is the toolkit based on?

The toolkit brings together research carried out over the last six months by Repowering London, the Centre for Sustainable Energy and King’s College London.

The project involved training two community researchers to lead participatory research in two disadvantaged areas of London: North Kensington and Newham. This focussed on understanding how we can make community energy membership more accessible for a wider group of people. Participatory research emphasises working collaboratively with (and not on) the communities directly impacted by a research project.

The event will cover: 

  • A summary of the toolkit: how we carried out the research, and how you could replicate it in your own communities to broaden your membership
  • Key findings from the research: ideas we uncovered for making community energy membership more inclusive in North Kensington and Newham
  • Interactive breakout discussions: to share reflections from across the community energy sector with other organisations.

Feel free to bring your lunch along!

Please register to secure your place and you’ll receive the Zoom joining link.

This project has been funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust via the Connect Fund.




Centre for Sustainable Energy
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